I am consumed with wanting but for what it is uncertain. I am still alive but a fire demon lives within me. The demon is scratching and screaming, trying to claw its way out. My blood is poisoned with its passion. I am restless, confined in my cage, with just enough space to pace. Back and forth, back and forth, it plans to escape this world. I know it will come, the day will come when it will run free...
Only one thing will bring peace and cease its torturing pleas. I have told you the name. It roars in the dark void of my mind, beckoning come find me. I look inside to search for the meaning of my existence. I demand definition of my destiny. Please tell me now...
I am a living torch one cannot extinguish. I will not be incinerated by the worlds tempestuous flames of hate. The only relief from its wrath, is found in your arms. In your presence, it eases, the longing subsides. Dare you let me close to scorch you with desire. Dare you be my brave knight and quench the fire of my soul....
I Am Passion
Angel Feathers Tickle Me
You know the answer, don't you?
I Am Hawt....
Ahhh at once you have found out my daily existence... I couldn't have said it better myself!
Have a beautiful day.
No, I am HAWT!!!!!
I'll settle this... I AM HAWT!!!
Has Within Temptation reached America?
Fiery writing this time round, as always I love your style.
You Sexual Goddess.
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