The beauty of ancient times calls to us in our dreams. Yes, it was a turbulent time, but there is a sense of romance and courage that today is not depicted as gallantly or as artfully as the old masters. Even new masters paint the past differently. They seek to show the human spirit, ever torrential, ever nurturing in a way that embodies the rhythm of the olden days. When time floated on the gentle pink clouds of the evening and we lingered on the lilting notes of the bard as they played on their lute. You will find me here in your dreams.
Fore I long for the robust solitude of the castle and the glen. I long for the sound of silk robes caressing the stones upon which I walk. The noise of the present replaced with the sounds of nature, the walls fading back to reveal wooded paths to explore, to dance with the aeries, to dine with the angels, to ride to glory upon a wild stallion once more.
Here in this dream I give you, a quiet path to contemplate the magic of life.
Dream of more valiant times with me...
Angel Feathers Tickle Me
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