I wondered where he came from so I followed him. He lived in a little house not at all like yours or mine. You see he had one room just barely big enough to fit him.
He was always smiling even at strangers, and I was taught that this was not allowed. People seem to ignore him; but there is something about him that makes me wonder. Does anyone love him? Does anyone care? Does anyone notice that he's there?
Do you know him?
Angel Feathers Tickle Me
Take me there :)
We are taught so many things are wrong (or right...) but manytimes I've wondered 'why?' Why are we taught that when a person doesn't own so much, or he doesn't live in a big house, or he 'smiles at strangers' that he should somehow be outwith our society.
I've never understood these things. And this harmonica man seems like a happy fellow - what right would anyone have to judge him? Is he real? or just a dream?
I agree with what annelisa said. we are taught so many things that are said to be wrong yet so many things we are taught to be right are indeed moreso wrong than the wrong we were taught. I am a simple and humble man with not much to offer the world except for love and compassion and maybe even a lil' altruistic integrity...Hmmmm? That gets me to tinkering....
Later Angel...
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