Thursday, November 30, 2006

I Am A Mystery

We have not been raised to cultivate a sense of Mystery. We may even see the unknown as an insult to our competence, a personal failing. Seen this way, the unknown becomes a challenge to action. But Mystery does not require action; Mystery requires our attention. Mystery requires that we listen and become open. When we meet with the unknown in this way, we can be touched by a wisdom that can transform our lives...

Mystery has great power. Mystery can comfort people when nothing else can comfort them and offer hope when nothing else offers hope. Mystery can heal fear that is otherwise unhealable. Many people in their confrontation with the unknown recover awe, wonder, joy, and aliveness. They remember that life is holy. In losing our sense of Mystery, we have become a nation of burned-out people. People who wonder do not burn out...

Perhaps real wisdom lies in not seeking answers at all. Any answer we find will not be true for long. An answer is a place where we can fall asleep as life moves past us to its next question. After all these years I have begun to wonder if the secret of living well is not in having all the answers but in pursuing unanswerable questions in good company...

I Am A Mystery
I Am Angel Feathers Tickle Me


Shahrzad said...

A wonderful write.
Wish you the best.

Annelisa said...

How right you are Angel! When we have all the answers, what is there left to find? But, as you say, believing there is still mystery left (and I think there is still so much...) gives you hope that in that mystery might lie the answers...

Why on earth have I left it so long to come and see you again?! I always enjoy what you say, and it always provokes thought!

Anonymous said...

She spent the day among us in disguise. It was more or less for research. They wondered if enough time had past. They were hopeful we had changed. They had so much knowledge to share with us. They only wanted to help us save ourselves. They just wanted us to see.

Unfortunately, time was the only thing that had advanced. We still weren’t ready. She would report back to the others there was no hope and no reason to come out again until we were all gone. She didn’t think it would be long now.

She undressed, allowing her wings to unfold. She paused briefly to gaze upon me with utter sadness and disappointment. Then, before her tears could reach the ground, she vanished.

Anonymous said...

I think that when we stop looking, we find. At least that worked for me when hunting arrowheads!