To the high heaven she has gone, up to the realm where Angels dwell in peace, she lives with them now. To this world she bade farewell. Tis no degree of cold on her has won, nor of such heat as makes all others cease: it only was her goodness, great appeal. So did her shining humbleness excel, it passed the heavens with such wondrous worth, it moved to marvel the eternal Sire, so that a sweet desire pricked Him to call such worthiness from earth, and made her to himself go from down here: for when He saw this life of suffering had not been made for such a gentle thing...
Ahhhhhhhhh so much anguish nearly halts my breath when the least thought to this comes in my grievous mind brings back the one who split my heart in me; and oftentimes, when thinking of her death the color from my face fades utterly. And when the imagining is sharp in me, from everywhere I'm struck by such dismay that at the ache I feel right then I start to cry, and so distraught it grows. Fore it is then that I am alone in every crowd.
I wander in my tears....
For a face that looks like mine.
Angel Feathers Tickle Me
Beauty is often so sad...
If you have written it yourself... its pretty awesome :)
For my sister Saundra
I am sorry about your sister, but this is a beautiful tribute to her.
Thank you for stopping by my blog. Take care.
I hear you speak in many sighs of letters and text and know and understand you sadness. I am sometimes a stoic when it comes to loss in the human sense but so it goes and so it goes.
There IS a place and there WAS a time and that is really all that matters.
You will always give me aspirations of grand proportion ANGEL but not as much as the day when you reveal your true self to all that appreciate your true self, later...
hi there,
This is a beautiful sad piece my dear angel.
Love you,
I can't stop reading this haunting, beautiful poem, angel feathers. I am so sorry for your loss. Thanks for sharing your poem at Swiftspeech.
Take care and be well.
I would like to offer my sincere condolences for the loss of your sister. I do not claim to know your pain, or that of her other family and friends who mourn her loss. We do not know each other and my words may not be welcomed, but I felt the need to reach out.
The words you have dedicated in her memory are such a beautiful tribute. Thank you for sharing this touching embodiment of your pain and love.
I wish and pray for strength to be your crutch and peace to be your guide along the most difficult path you must now travel.
Please come back...
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