Whether we like it or not, we seem to be impacted by everything that happens around us. The neighbors mowing the lawn at 6am, a friend’s harsh words, a loved one’s actions; close-up impact as well as far-away impact, such as the war and death on a foreign land.
It seems inevitable and many of us, perhaps most or all of us, accept the impact and, in doing so, actually live what I call “altered lives.”The speculation about whether this reality is real, a hologram, a dream, or something else entirely is fascinating. But the bottom line is that, no matter what it is or isn’t, it’s where we are and it’s what we’ve got to work with. You see most, if not all, people would like to see life happening differently than it is. I’m one of those idealists that truly believe things CAN be different. But the responsibility falls upon every single individual.
Let’s just, for a moment, understand that everything in existence is energy. Energy has no barriers, no walls, no boundaries. With that truth, we realize that energy travels. In its travels, it impacts the other energy it touches. And so when you are reacting to the neighbors, another person’s words or actions, or the events happening upon the planet, you’re being impacted by energy. The energy that is uniquely you is being touched by energy outside of yourself.
Most of our reactions to outside energy (words and actions) are emotional. That means that for most of our time on Earth, we are in an emotional reaction to something outside of ourselves.When we think about things in this way, we begin to realize that this reality, again whether it’s a hologram or a dream or whatever, is making us who we are.
But … if we understand that this reality is not the purity of our own infinite soul in union with God, The Creator, or the name you personally give to All That Is, we realize that we are not actually living the truth of who we are. We are participating in the un-reality that is Earth-life to such a degree that our own personal truth remains unheard. A scary thought if you are one of those, like me, who make a constant effort to rise above the lifestyle of simply living in reaction and are making an effort to rise above the illusion and live in one’s own pure truth.
Let us suppose for a moment that, by emotionally reacting to everything we see and hear, we are in fact perpetuating an “un-reality.” What if the energy of our participation is fuel, the continuation of feeding exactly what we would like to change? The events of Earth-life must be sustained by the fuel of our interaction. If, as I believe, this is a consensual reality that we, as a group, are creating, then it stands to reason that our agreement to create things differently is absolutely possible. But how do we do that?
I believe we’re in the process of doing that. I believe that, as a human society, we’re beginning to understand that the reality we are seeing is the reality we ourselves have built. And if we built it, we have the ability to stop the negative flow of things and turn them into positives. In order to rebuild a society, it is necessary to “un-build” that which is presently accepted as “standard.” That means that a majority of society must agree that much of what is going on is not acceptable based upon the fact that what is going on does not look at all like the Grace of God, or even compassion and kindness and humanity. The question to ask is … does this look like Truth? (Truth being what the heart of God and our own souls would believe is the highest and best for all concerned.)
Things outside of ourselves are impacting each of us. In order to live in the peace we seek, we must first become the peace we seek. When we are emotionally impacted and reacting to external energies, we are not at peace. Our “un-peace,” the emotional energy we generate with our reactions, goes back into the common energy of Earth-reality, which means that we are contributing to that which we would like to see change. Do we then become automatons, robotically strutting through our time on Earth? No. But we DO learn to control our reactions and monitor our energy.
The energy of our own personal truth, the truth that lies within our union to our own infinite soul, holds the key to how we can live on Earth and be the change we want to see. As an infinite soul, we realize who we are and we understand that this lifetime is a temporary experience that we have chosen for myriad reasons. We also realize that the energy of this world lives within a far greater energy that we can perhaps agree to call the Body of God. If we step back and look at this one detail, we can easily see that the chaos of war and abuse and indifference, etc., are polluting what is meant to be pure.
However, if we take one step further away, we realize that every person is a pure soul, having a temporary human experience. The layers of energy that contain this human experience, due to their very nature, can cause people to forget the origin of soul. But, those layers of energy can be dissipated by the simple act of focusing upon the truth that lies outside of the layers. Within every person there is a thread of truth that connects us to our divine and infinite nature. That true nature holds the key to how each person can interact with every other person and situation from a “soul response,” as opposed to a human reaction.
When we interact with our daily lives with the energy of pure soul intention, rather than a knee-jerk emotional energy, we are placing divine energy into the chaos. The more divine energy we place into the chaotic, emotional energy of this ball of energy we call Earth-life, the more this reality will change.
To sum it up, by accepting that we are divine and infinite souls, and by focusing upon living that truth within ourselves, we are encouraging that vibration of energy here on Earth. The more divine energy we emit, the more the energy of Earth-life will respond. When we react to an outburst of anger or retribution by interacting with the experience from a place of loving, infinite soul, we do two things. We refuse to contribute more chaos to that which is already there. And we place calm, loving energy into the chaos.
This is not to say that the path of Earth-life will be strewn with roses simply because we have decided to change our way of interacting with it. On the contrary. This energetic form of life has existed for millions of years, thriving upon its way of being exactly what it is. Introducing different energy can cause resistance and anger as the old ways fight to remain what they are and defend their right to be exactly as they are.
I see this as a challenge, a test of each person’s strength to stand in his/her own truth. Will we fall back into the old ways when we meet resistance? Will we meet anger with anger? Will we resort to the old pattern and give as good as we get by throwing our strength back into the fray? Or will we be even stronger than that and refuse to participate in that which we wish to see changed?
Every person, no matter what they are or are not doing, is an infinite soul with the capacity to remember their own infinity and connection to The Divine. With patience and love, there is, a perfect opportunity waiting. An opportunity to recognize and interact with each other as the pure souls that we are.
Angel Feathers Tickle Me
1 comment:
The part we play is rather important...More important than any recognition we recieve for our particular role, however, you've been given a Thinking Blogger Award. It's the least I could do.
Peace my friend.
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