We live upon this world
By evolution
We evolved from it’s depths
By creation we were made
From the dust upon it’s surface
Whichever you hold to your heart
Makes this Earth our Mother
And as any good mother
She feeds and shelters her children
Watches them grow and play
Sees their progress and their failures
And like any good mother
When her children need discipline
She gives it
Though our Mother Earth’s discipline
Teaches a hard lesson
For as gentle as is her love
So to is the vehemence of her anger
She has demonstrated
To us again and again
What it means to incur her wrath
She has shook the ground we walk on
And she has washed it from beneath our feet
She has spit out molten rock
And turned our fields to shallow lakes
And still we do not listen!
A Fair Fairy,,,
What a nice image.
I don't see a title for this poem or an author? Where did you come across it and do you know who wrote it? If you don't that tells me you don't have permission to use it. I know who wrote it!!!
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